Prices are in Australian dollars
and include GST.
For purchasers outside Australia, the 10% GST tax is removed from the prices at checkout.


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Terms and Conditions

The products are supplied in two forms:

Single-user Versions


Individuals can add the PDF products to their main computer and one other for backup purchases.


You are entitled to print one copy of the tutorials. If that copy becomes damaged, a replacement copy can be printed.


The materials may not be supplied to others either in printed or digital form.


Schools purchasing single-user versions must not place either the tutorials or the support files on multiple computers or tablets, School Networks, Content Management Systems or any system whereby more than one person can access the materials at any one time.


Schools wishing to use the materials in classrooms need to upgrade to multi-user versions. See the Upgrade tab of the Products page for a list of upgrade prices.




Multi-user Versions


Multi-user versions allow schools to print as many copies of the materials as they wish to.


Multi-user versions of the materials can be placed on School Networks and Content Management Systems so that all the school community can access them.


Multi-user versions can be placed on school owned tablets. iPad specific versions can be placed on student owned iPads.


Owners of multi-user versions must not provide the materials to individuals that are not part of the organisation's community or to other organisations.






The materials are copyright to Guided Computer Tutorials and they must not be altered or adjusted in any way with prior permission from us.




Rufund and Return Policy


As the products are provided in PDF format, refunds are only provided in certain circumstances. For example:


1 If postage costs are included in an order, but you decide that you would prefer to download the products prior to posting, the postage cost will be refunded.


2 If we discover that someone else from your school has previously purchased a multi-user version of the product you are purchasing, your purchase will be refunded.


3 If you have purchased a single-user version of a product and your school later purchases a multi-user version of that product, the cost of your single-user purchase will be refunded.